ACES wins bronze in the QS Reimagine Education awards 2023!
We are honoured and thrilled to announce that we have one the bronze award for Sustainability Education in the 2023 QS Reimagine Education awards!
About the Project
The ACES project, funded by the UKRI-ESRC under the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF), is building on the empathic and inclusive playful and gameful research and practice of Coventry University’s award-winning GameChangers initiative and its sister initiative – CreativeCulture in Malaysia.
In the ACES project, we are investigating the impact of transformative education through playful approaches and experiences towards developing social resilience, targeting young people in Malaysia, Vietnam, and Indonesia. Aligning with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal on equitable, inclusive quality education, we are developing an innovative pedagogical model and its associated programme of playful, experiential, co-creative, and participatory activities. The ACES model aims to bridge formal and informal educational contexts and spaces towards an inclusive, safe, and resilient society.
Through the community-centred aspect of the approach, young people will be able to develop non-discipline specific capabilities that can sustain them as active life-long learners and contributors to their communities. Teachers and local community groups are engaged in the project to draw on local knowledge and experience, and to extend the co-creation and ownership of the educational process to the community. Project outcomes will be translated into policy and practice recommendations.
Collaborative and inclusive through empathic participatory approaches
Adaptability and persistence through transformative experiences and growth
Coventry University
United Kingdom
Universiti Malaysia, Sarawak
Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo
Universitas Negeri Malang
Hanoi University of Science and Technology