The ACES Charter
This charter presents the insights from the ACES project, which is an international research project entitled “A Community-Centred Educational Model for Developing Social Resilience”, funded by the UKRI-Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) under the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF). From 2020 to early 2023, the project examined the benefits of using playful, frugal, and co-creative approaches to education in order to develop individual, community, and institutional resilience in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam.
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Educators, whether formal or informal, and local community groups have been involved in the project to draw on local knowledge and experience and to encourage co-creation and ownership of the educational process, resources, and spaces by the community. This charter shares the collective learning from the ACES project and proposes the ACES values for developing and implementing meaningful formal and informal educational resources and spaces towards an inclusive, safe, and resilient society.