
Showcasing ACES in Action

Video Showcases

Indonesian Video Resources

Selected video resources created by the ACES Indonesia partner teams.
Visit the Reogify YouTube channel for more…

Malaysian Video Resources

Selected video resources created by the ACES Malaysia partner teams.
Visit the Creative Culture YouTube channel for more…

Vietnam Video Resources

Selected video resources created by the ACES Vietnam partner teams.
Visit the D-Lab YouTube channel for more…


Wimpenny, K., Arnab, S., Muhibuddin, F., Mohamad, F., Thom Nguyen, T. T., & Mahon, D. (2022, September 6). ACES - A Community-centred Educational Model for Developing Social Resilience. BERA Annual Conference.
Wimpenny, K., Arnab, S., Mohamad, F. S., Thom Nguyen, T. T., & Muhibuddin, F. (2022). The engaged university: Exploring mutuality and reciprocity between and within communities inside and outside universities through ACES. In E. Bosio & G. Gregorutti (Eds.), The Emergence of the Ethically Engaged University: Vol. (In-Press) (p. (In-Press)). Palgrave Macmillan.
Fadhli, M., Purnomo, R., Utami, D. D., Hastuti, B. N., Mahon, D., & Masters, A. (2022). The Effectiveness of Playful Augmented Reality Media for Teaching Early-Primary Students. European Conference on Games Based Learning, 16(1), 216–224.
Arnab, S., Mahon, D., Masters, A., Morini, L., Minoi, J. L., & Mohamad, F. (2021). Towards the mapping of learning, playful, and frugal aspects for developing 21st century competencies and resilience. Proceedings of the European Conference on Games-Based Learning, 14–24.

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