Simple Fountain
ACES Challenge Entry
Shafwan Nauval Nuruddin
SDIT Akmala Sabila Cirebon
After the tools and materials are assembled in such a way, the air in the balloon is released into the bottle, the water in the plastic bottle will be pushed out through the straw. The water that comes out like a fountain occurs due to the air from the balloon pressing the water in the bottle so that the water can move out like a fountain. If the air (gas) has filled and compressed the entire space in the plastic bottle, the water will stop gushing. This proves that air (gas) has pressure, and water (liquid) is able to flow through the gaps in the straw. The water discharge coming out of the straw can be calculated when the water stops gushing so that it can be observed how much water comes out in the period when the water starts gushing out until the water stops gushing.
In addition, this simple fountain is also useful when there are events such as birthdays. The target to be achieved is to increase students’ knowledge for high creativity.